# Your first cff flow

# Set up a fake API

For the demo, we'll make a fake service to send requests to instead of using a real system.

  1. Create a new file in your demo project named "api.go". Inside it, put the following interface.

    type UberAPI interface {
    	DriverByID(int) (*Driver, error)
    	RiderByID(int) (*Rider, error)
    	TripByID(int) (*Trip, error)
    	LocationByID(int) (*Location, error)
    type Driver struct {
    	ID   int
    	Name string
    type Location struct {
    	ID    int
    	City  string
    	State string
    	// ...
    type Rider struct {
    	ID     int
    	Name   string
    	HomeID int
    type Trip struct {
    	ID       int
    	DriverID int
    	RiderID  int

    This defines a pretty simple interface for a conceivable Uber API client:

    • there are four resources: driver, rider, trip, location
    • the *ById methods support retrieving them by ID
    • trips have a driver and a rider
    • riders have a home location

    This is obviously oversimplified, but it will suffice for the demo.

  2. In the same file, or a new file, add the following fake implementation of this interface.

    type fakeUberClient struct{}
    func (*fakeUberClient) DriverByID(id int) (*Driver, error) {
    	time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
    	return &Driver{
    		ID:   id,
    		Name: "Eleanor Nelson",
    	}, nil
    func (*fakeUberClient) LocationByID(id int) (*Location, error) {
    	time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
    	return &Location{
    		ID:    id,
    		City:  "San Francisco",
    		State: "California",
    	}, nil
    func (*fakeUberClient) RiderByID(id int) (*Rider, error) {
    	time.Sleep(300 * time.Millisecond)
    	return &Rider{
    		ID:   id,
    		Name: "Richard Dickson",
    	}, nil
    func (*fakeUberClient) TripByID(id int) (*Trip, error) {
    	time.Sleep(150 * time.Millisecond)
    	return &Trip{
    		ID:       id,
    		DriverID: 42,
    		RiderID:  57,
    	}, nil

    Note that the different *ByID operations take different amounts of time.

# Write the flow

Now let's actually make requests to this interface.

  1. Create a main.go and put a //go:build cff comment at the top it. This is necessary for cff to be able to process this file.

    //go:build cff
    package main
  2. Elsewhere in the file, instantiate the fake client to send requests to.

    var uber UberAPI = new(fakeUberClient)
  3. Declare a main() and set up a context.Context with a one second timeout. We'll use this in our flow.

    func main() {
      ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
      defer cancel()
  4. Now start a new flow by calling cff.Flow with the context.

    func main() {
      ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
      defer cancel()
      err := cff.Flow(ctx,
  5. Add a task to the flow to retrieve information about the trip.

      err := cff.Flow(ctx,
        cff.Task(func(tripID int) (*Trip, error) {
          return uber.TripByID(tripID)
  6. The task we just added expects the trip ID to be present in an integer. Let's give it that. Add a cff.Params call to provide the trip ID for this function.

      err := cff.Flow(ctx,
        cff.Task(func(tripID int) (*Trip, error) {
          return uber.TripByID(tripID)

    The order in which this is passed to cff.Flow does not matter.

  7. With a trip object available, the flow can run other operations. Add two new tasks that, given a trip, will fetch the driver and the rider for that trip respectively.

      err := cff.Flow(ctx,
        // ...
        cff.Task(func(trip *Trip) (*Driver, error) {
          return uber.DriverByID(trip.DriverID)
        cff.Task(func(trip *Trip) (*Rider, error) {
          return uber.RiderByID(trip.RiderID)

    Again, the order in which these are provided does not matter.

  8. One of the tasks we just added fetches information about a rider. Add another task that retrieves the rider's location.

      err := cff.Flow(ctx,
        // ...
        cff.Task(func(rider *Rider) (*Location, error) {
          return uber.LocationByID(rider.HomeID)
  9. We now have a few different tasks. Let's bring their results together. Declare a new Response type.

    type Response struct {
    	Rider    string
    	Driver   string
    	HomeCity string
  10. Back in the flow, add a new task to build the Response from the outputs of the different tasks.

      err := cff.Flow(ctx,
        // ...
        cff.Task(func(r *Rider, d *Driver, home *Location) *Response {
          return &Response{
            Driver:   d.Name,
            Rider:    r.Name,
            HomeCity: home.City,
  11. Handle the error returned by cff.Flow. For the tutorial, we're just exiting the application. In a real application, you should handle this error more gracefully.

        cff.Task(func(r *Rider, d *Driver, home *Location) *Response {
          return &Response{
            Driver:   d.Name,
            Rider:    r.Name,
            HomeCity: home.City,
      if err != nil {
  12. Run go generate. You'll see an error similar to the following:

    main.go:59:12: unused output type *[..].Response

    In cff, the results of a task must be consumed by another task or by a cff.Results directive which extracts values from a flow. Let's fix this.

  13. Declare a new *Response variable above the cff.Flow call, and use cff.Results to pass a reference to it to the flow. This tells cff to fill that pointer with a value from the flow.

      var res *Response
      err := cff.Flow(ctx,
        cff.Task(func(tripID int) (*Trip, error) {

    As with previous cases--the position of cff.Results in the cff.Flow call does not matter.

  14. Print the response after handling the error.

    	if err != nil {
    	fmt.Println(res.Driver, "drove", res.Rider, "who lives in", res.HomeCity)
  15. Finally, run go generate again. You should see a message similar to the following.

    Processed 3 files with 0 errors
  16. Run the program with go run .:

    % go run .
    Eleanor Nelson drove Richard Dickson who lives in San Francisco

What did we just do?

After the setup in the first section, we build a cff flow with five tasks: TripByID, DriverByID, RiderByID, LocationByID, and the final task to build a Response.

These together form the following graph.

  • DriverByID and RiderByID are independent of each other so as soon as the trip information is available, cff runs them both concurrently.
  • When the rider information is available, DriverByID is still running, so cff runs LocationByID concurrently.
  • When they're both finished, cff finally brings the results together in Response.

Although the graph in this example is contrived, cff can and does handle graphs that are significantly more complex: more than it would be reasonable for a person to manually orchestrate concurrency for.

Next steps

Last Updated: 5/14/2024, 10:59:03 PM