# Result Objects

A result object is an object with the sole purpose of carrying results for a specific function or method.

As with parameter objects, the object is defined exclusively for a single function, and not shared with other functions.

In Fx, result objects contain exported fields exclusively, and are always tagged with fx.Out.


# Using result objects

To use result objects in Fx, take the following steps:

  1. Define a new struct type named after your constructor with a Result suffix. If the constructor is named NewClient, name the struct ClientResult. If the constructor is named New, name the struct Result. This naming isn't strictly necessary, but it's a good convention to follow.

    type ClientResult struct {
  2. Embed fx.Out into this struct.

    type ClientResult struct {
  3. Use this new type as the return value of your constructor by value.

    func NewClient() (ClientResult, error) {
  4. Add values produced by your constructor as exported fields on this struct.

    type ClientResult struct {
      Client *Client
  5. Set these fields and return an instance of this struct from your constructor.

    func NewClient() (ClientResult, error) {
      client := &Client{
        // ...
      return ClientResult{Client: client}, nil

Once you have a result object on a function, you can use it to access other advanced features of Fx:

# Adding new results

You can add new values to an existing result object in a completely backwards compatible manner.

  1. Take an existing result object.

    type Result struct {
      Client *Client
    func New() (Result, error) {
      client := &Client{
        // ...
      return Result{
        Client: client,
      }, nil
  2. Add a new field to it for your new result.

    type Result struct {
      Client *Client
      Inspector *Inspector
  3. In your constructor, set this field.

      return Result{
        Client: client,
        Inspector: &Inspector{
          // ...
      }, nil