# Value Groups

A value group is a collection of values of the same type. Any number of constructors across an Fx application can feed values into a value group. Similarly, any number of consumers can read from a value group without knowing about the full list of producers.


Fx produces the values fed into a value group in a random order. Do not make any assumptions about value group ordering.

# Using value groups

To learn how to use value groups, see,

# Dependency strictness

Dependencies formed by value groups can be:

  • strict: these are always consumed
  • soft: these are consumed only if the corresponding constructor was requested elsewhere

By default, value group dependencies are strict.

# Strict value groups

Strict value group dependencies are consumed by the value group regardless of whether their producers are otherwise used by the application.

Suppose a constructor NewFoo produces two values: A and B. Value A feeds into the value group []A, which is then consumed by function Run, and the application invokes function Run with fx.Invoke.

With strict value groups, Fx will run NewFoo to populate the []A group regardless of whether the application consumes the other result (B) directly or indirectly.

# Soft value groups

Soft value group dependencies are consumed by the value group only if the constructors that produce them were called by Fx anyway -- because the application consumes their other results directly or indirectly.

Suppose we have a setup similar to the previous section, except that the value group is soft.

With soft value groups, Fx will run NewFoo to populate the []A group only if A or B are consumed by another component in the application directly or indirectly.